Sunday, March 4, 2018

URGENT! P1GRE - Transaction Costs Theory is Examinable!

 - highly relevant to P1GRE
 Image result for student

The article on TransactionCost Theory was uploaded in on 26th Feb, 2018 - days before the March 2018 exam sitting. This will send panic and ripples amongst students preparing for P1GRE. Talk about timing, this is designed to create much uncertainties and unnecessary cold feet. The effect, it likely short-circuit the brain functions. (grin*)

As always committed to optimise your success in exams, hence in your career or/and business income I have laboured intensely to give you via email :
  1. Full case study worth 25 marks
  2. Full answers incorporating the first ever Transaction Cost theory answer
  3. Full article on Transaction Costs Theory with KEY Words highlighted for your use in exams.

All of you in my P1GRE class/Workshop should have received my ANSWERS via emails on how to tackle the following topics: 

  1. Agency Relationship
  2. Transaction Cost theory - whether to outsource or have in-house Payroll functions with CG implications
  3. Internal Audit functions.

Please urgently review them. All THREE topics above are high risks & high Impact topics , known as RED ZONE Risks, on your marks.

Attempt all 100% and you will tweek above 50% and PASS this paper.

May you enjoy doing your best and have wonderful break with family and friends. 

If you didn't receive them, please urgently email me at 

Investing in your future, today. 
Marcus - ACCA Trainer excess 20 years! 


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