Wednesday, March 14, 2018

ACCA Strategic Business Leader - Rare Opportunity to pass this September 2018

Dear Professionals,

A) World Economy
World economy is melting with USA facing looming recession. What goes up, must come down –  its Stock Exchange!

Image result for economy collapse

If that happens, a domino effect impacting world economy with China export machine grinding to a halt, Japanese economy and Yen will plunge and European Union led by Germany will experience high unemployment.

How this affects Malaysia? Well, one word – Catastrophic!

B) Opportunities for Chartered Accountants
But this is GOOD NEWS for Chartered Accountants as there will be many firms experiencing going concern issue. Thus, a large demand for Qualified Chartered Accountants in Audit firms and consultancy firms for corporate restructuring.
Your skills will be HIGH in demand.

You want to graduate from ACCA as fast as you can!

C) Strategic Business Leader (SBL) – September 2018 sitting presents great opportunity
New paper SBL is introduced, as attached above.

I am very surprised that very few ACCA students are taking advantage of the Sept 2018 sitting. That is golden opportunity that you shouldn’t miss. Why?
Since the early 1990s, I have witnessed Five Syllabus changes and EACH TIME the debut paper is always easy and predictable.
This means we already know what the September 2018 SBL exam sitting is going to look like!

D) Kasturi (PJ Campus) debut intake for March 2018 SBL
I am taking advantage of this rare opportunity in preparing and optimizing students to attempt and PASS SBL this September 2018.

Class will commence on 16th March 2018 with ACCA Approved Textbook by Becker Brand.
E) Debut Videos on Youtube
Finally, I have been talking about this in class, I have uploaded 2 videos on:
Image result for pass exams 

What is the rationale of SBL? Click HERE

What is the 80% Technical Content of SBL? Click HERE

Verdict: Your strategic move
This is not everytime ACCA will change syllabus. If they do, the questions and answers are very predictable.

Your move is to enroll and take the classes beginning March to August 2018 peaking your preparation with Workshop-Revision, thus optimising your success for this first SBL sitting. 

Always investing in your future, today.
Marcus Ong

URGENT: SBL Exam Guidance for Dec 2018 Exams

EVERY SUCCESS IN YOUR DECEMBER 2018 EXAMS Change is the only constant. Kasturi Core lecturing team has now moved to 2 new locations. ...