Wednesday, April 15, 2009


-related to P3 candidates

P3 examiner has broke away from the conventional step of setting the exam paper. This June 2009 will be his debut show of what he is truly interested. One can only suspect that his consultancy background in IT and being a former Paper 2.1 examiner, his approach will be more advisory capacity.

I have inserted a good link "Where Technology is Business" for all of you to read and familiarise with the practical exposures. On the left side bar is category and link named ENHANCING ACCA SUCCESS LINK :

A good article to start with is the Takeover of Skype for a sum of US$1billion. Original owners are buying back with intention to list it next year. This case study shows finance strategy at play and the rewarding aspects of innovative culture that leads to the development of Internet Phone free services. Yet Skype can still generate revenues excess of US$500million in 2008. A case of offering free services but by word of mouth, it became popular worldwide. This article's link is in,39044229,62053179,00.htm.

Happy reading and sharpening exam preparations.

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