In view of approaching exam I certainly hope that now you are only doing 3 things with your time - Practice! Practice! Practice!
The above answers are duly sent to you all via e-mail. Please note the simple structure of segregating Audit Principles, Audit Procedures and Audit Reasons which gives a clear appraoch on using substantive tests are in a table format.
A diagram which I use in lectures are also posted to show linkage as to where the audit work is perform. Then in exam you will have a systematic approach.
Please practice Alan Lewin's latest article on avoiding Top 10 most common mistakes published in October 2008. Please note that he said "independence" is not a fundamental ethics principle but still is a concern for auditors. Thus the need to insert audit safeguards.
Dear all,
please obtain your answers from your representatives.
Practice hard.
Best wishes
sir, wish u all the best in your future while i will pass my paper to show that i reali put the effoet just like you. ^^V
mr marcus, heard that u've resigned? any business plans in say, penang? :D
Yes, I have resigned from Sunway. As a pioneer staff I have the pleasure to assist more than a thousand students pass and subsequently see them graduate.
Business plan in Penang? Who knows, I am attracted to the food there. I liked it for its holiday feel with its beautiful beach and sea view.
Best wishes to your final lap - graduation, Ms Phing :). Don't forget us lecturers.
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