Saturday, January 31, 2009

RUMOUR RUMOUR...(edited)

UPDATED INFO: In July 2010, I have moved to Kasturi School of Accountancy in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Thank you for your support and working so hard together in order to achieve your graduation goal. 
-I want this blog to be educational & constructive. I thank certain individuals' feedback on the this article's earlier 'uncut' version, thus the edited version here. The blog is a better contribution if contents are constructive and encouraging, if not motivating to ACCA candidates to never give up their goal to graduate! Never! Once again, thank you for mustering courage to inform me. Hey, I am perfectly imperfect - a human too. Cheers.

Excerpts from the Chat Corner:
Guest: is it possible to take certain pprs [papers] at diff[erent] colleges? if yes, then if i were 2[to] complete acca at 2 diff places whr would i graduate from? Details 19:32 30/1/09
Guest: nth[nothing] to do with college lah.. Details 23:26 30/1/09
Kelvin: Lol, you don't graduate from 2 places or even any of those places. When you finish your ACCA exams, you simply graduate from ACCA.. the tuition provid Details 03:26 31/1/09
Kelvin: the tuition providers would just throw a graduation ceremony to celebrate your day's end in ACCA classes. Thus, nobody really cares about whether you Details 03:27 31/1/09
Kelvin: are ACCA grad from Sunway/INTi/TAR/etc.. Good luck then Details 03:28 31/1/09

TRUSTING TENDENCYThe above chat certainly reveals a thing or two about current ACCA & CAT undergraduates. Pardon my straight from the gut comment, in a word, "Naive!" But I don't blame you because its natural tendency for youths to have a trusting attitude. (That is not to say adults, above 25 years are without weaknesses. We have too! Umm... too many, in fact. Sighhh...)

Mr. Kelvin is absolutely right to mention that all ACCA candidates receive a certificate of professional qualification from ACCA, United Kingdom. Tuition providers merely provide, well, tuition.

I personally, assisted an ACCA Affliate to secure a job in Digi's parent company, Telenor Ltd as a trainee manager. She was seconded to Oslo, Norway on a 2 year contract. Does it make me having the right to ensure future candidates placement in Telenor Group? Europe? Humbly and truthfully : No! It is that affliate that matters who got the job. (see website on Telenor below)

So the million dollar question, "How do I secure a job in the Big 5?"
1. QUALIFICATIONS - ACCA plus Oxford Brookes with 1st class or second upper will be added advantage.
2. APTITUDES - fluency in communication, knowledge of IT
3. ATTITUDES - willingness to learn, team player, cooperative.
4. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE – inter-personal skills, alertness, initiated
5. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES – are you willing to travel outstation? Overseas? Will you accept secondment assignment to client’s place of say 3 months stay?

All of the above is encapsulated in your cover letter and CV, in which I as in the past assisted many students in structuring their CV and am glad to continue to assist. Certainly for the Big 5 to source recruits from another tuition provider is most welcome.

CONCLUSIONWe live in a world where it is not the employer or tuition provider that gives you employment security. It is YOU, your employability skills as your security. Invest in your own future, don’t let threats and even blackmail derail you from your goals- which are BEAUTIFUL, MEANINGFUL & WONDERFUL!
PS: Worthwhile for your attention is to consider alternative career paths such as consultancy services, managerial positions in MNC that gravitates toward overseas placements (USA, UK, Scandinavian, closer to home will be Singapore, Australia). The rationale is when you return, you have an 'expatriate status' that places your pay well above the average Joe in our Boleh Land.
The above is not for the 'faint hearted' in which the usual recommendation is "external" audit as career path. I reiterate, "external" and not "internal audit positions" also known as the Accountants' graveyard. Of course, this is generalised perception for there are fantastic Internal Audit Positions in prestigious organisations such as ICAC (Hong Kong), FBI (USA), Morgan Stanley (USA) Forensic Audit Division.
Telenor, 2008, About company, , Visited on : 31 January

Friday, January 2, 2009


UPDATED INFO: In July 2010, I have moved to Kasturi School of Accountancy in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Thank you for your support and working so hard together in order to achieve your graduation goal. Contact our Education Consultants at 03-5630 0722

- New Year's welcome to all ACCA and CAT candidates of INTI College (Subang) - Laureate (USA) International Group of Universities

Bus Service: Sunway Pyramid to INTI Subang Jaya:
Metro Bus 10 & 13, Yellow Minibus 99 & 66
Contact Persons:
ACCA / CAT Department: Mr Randy: 012 287 8465; Mr Marcus Ong: 012-935 4128

Pic 01: The Pillar to Your Success in Life

Now, let us break the rules and not have the same New Year’s resolution over and over. The key to any strategy, plans, objectives is “implementation”. So I am embarking on a different route of New Year’s plans and wishes that are actually achievable. Of course that is besides the expectations that I expect all INTI College’s CAT and ACCA students to work so hard, so industriously that you earn the respect of bees and put the Japnaese salary-man to shame. We are unwise to dream up goals that remain well, just dreams. Why not go for the low hanging fruits first, but equally rewarding?
A famous proverb, “A thousand steps begin with the first step.”
So here are the following goals you can, yes everyone of you can achieve! And you know what, if you have strong family ties, its a great asset and support to your mental strength and emotional stability that results in a huge support to your achievieng success in ACCA and CAT studies in INTI College (Subang).
1. Appreciate Family Members
Learning to appreciate family is a core trait to longevity in a relationship. When you start appreciating your family members in what each other did around the house and for each other, that was the beginning of change. If you start by focusing on the not so good traits that a family member had...and guess what... those are the things you would see every day. One way to appreciate family members is to create a notebook if you have to, and write down what you appreciate about your parents, siblings and the working profeesionals pursuing ACCA, show your appreciation for your mate, child, boss or other person that you are currently having issues with. This allows your focus to move from the negative to the positive. Guess what..we humans love when someone pays attention to us. So if you only pay attention to the negative, you will have that person responding negatively to you, because they are at least getting your attention.

'So by paying attention to positive things, and ONLY complimenting positive aspects, the person will exhibit more positive aspects. Happy families focus on each others strengths. Try to complement your family members several times a day. Try it for 7 days and watch what happens.

Pic 02: When was the last time you commended your folks?

Pic 03: Actions speak louder than words

Happy families make silent note of and share positive thoughts with each other. Make a positive comment about how your brother or sister is paying attention to them as individuals. Say something nice about something he or she did or said. Don’t be sarcastic but genuine. Mean what you say like,

“Mom, that is very nice dinner. Thank you for preparing it so well.”

“Dad, I have always appreciated working so tirelessly for the family.”

“Brother, that was a nice thing you did that day. Keep it up!”

“Sister, you are always special to me. No matter what you decide, you know I’ll always support you.”

There are so many qualities you can focus like, what are some of your families unique talent, achievements, special qualities, or characteristics that make the other person unique.

The most important part about growing the spirit of appreciation within your family is if you can you find ways to be positive even when another family member makes a mistake. Strive to develop closeness and show love at home despite set backs.

Pic 04: He worked tirelessly for you, what will you do?

2. Speak Each Others Language
We appreciate family members when we learn to speak each other's "language" Sometimes we make comments that we think are loving towards another family member, but if we are not communicating on their frequency than he or she may not see it that way at all. Think about it this way:

Pic 05 : Are you like this in my class??

One day a sister came home from college. She was exhausted and a touch testy. She was greeted enthusiastically by her younger brother who is 8 years her junior over a new computer game. The sister just walk passed him thinking of her tiredness leaving a somewhat hurt boy who merely wants to share his joy with big sister. Good thing, the sister realised that she taking her borther for granted, turned around and smiled, “What is it Joe?” The brother showed the game that he thinks “she” would like and she ended up enjoying a little recreation playing the computer games. That is not diffucult is it? A bit more time for your family members.
3. Ideas to strengthen your family:
It is fun to celebrate "Caring Days." Find out what other family members want that is meaningful to them. Make plans to send those messages often through your actions. Take time out, especially in the school breaks, for "caring days" This is a day that you do what the other person wants to do...Such as does your sibling like to go to the river together, do that and your days will be mutually wonderful. Have a jar full of slips of paper with caring thoughts on them. "give a hug to someone today" "clean up with out being asked to" You get the picture. Put this into action on a daily basis and see your family love and appreciation deepen.
4. Love Notes
My personal favorite it leaving post-it Love Notes. All you do is Write a short love note and stick it where the intended person will be sure to see it. Have notes, still stuck up on places for family members to look at. You can place regular notes under a pillow or in a backpack, briefcase, or purse. Write something like "I'm proud of you for working so hard on your family.”
With modern day media, use SMS to surprise your mom or dad with a note of appreciation. Come on, you guys in INTI College, I see you hanging around in Starbucks, McD, internet cafes and Asia Food Bazaar enjoying above average food, I am sure you can afford a 2 sen SMS cost of message to show appreciation. I mean, how hard can it get?
5. The Power of Touch

Pic 06: Your closest neighbour, siblings.
You carry a powerful amazing and healing thing within you. The Power of Touch. Touch can be a powerful way of showing affection, love, and appreciation. Small children as well as your adult loved ones often like to snuggle with their family members. It is a deep an abiding trust to allow such vulnerability. Do not breech that trust, at any cost. Really even just a hug, a kiss, a touch on the hand or the shoulder can say a lot to any person regardless of age. Any of these ideas will get you started.
I will be excited to hear about how you implement these into your Happy Family days in the NEW YEAR of 2009.
Now here is a conventional New Year’s Greeting:

“2009 is at your doorstep. Remember, life is short, break the rules, forgive and forget quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrallably and never regret anything that made you smile. Take care of all you love: young and old, small and big, near and far.”
Now I think the above wish has 'deeper' meaning. What is your decision? To take from Nike's motto, "Just Do It!"

URGENT: SBL Exam Guidance for Dec 2018 Exams

EVERY SUCCESS IN YOUR DECEMBER 2018 EXAMS Change is the only constant. Kasturi Core lecturing team has now moved to 2 new locations. ...